

Ultrasound Guided

Dr. Santos has treated hundreds of patients using his prolotherapy protocol. Patients typically experience an improvement of their pain after 1-2 treatments. But very severe cases may need up to 5 treatments. The treatment is performed every 4-6 weeks and improvement in pain should be experienced after each treatment.

We use ozone and dextrose in our prolotherapy solutions. Platelet rich plasma therapy may also be recommended in stubborn cases.

Why us?

Dr. Santos has a tremendous amount of experience and training in prolotherapy and platelet rich plasma. We are one of the few clinics that utilize ultrasound in treatment during prolotherapy. We believe ultrasound is crucial, when injecting into certain joints, in placing the needle into the damaged area to yield the best clinical outcome. Studies have shown that even the best doctors can miss the desired target without ultrasound guidance.

What is injected and how often are the treatments?

In a prolotherapy treatment, a substance is injected using a slender needle next to the site where soft tissue (ligament, tendon, muscle, fascia, joint capsule) is injured or has torn away from the bone. Dr. Santos will use ultrasound to guide the needle into the damaged area. The substance used in the injection is a natural irritant agent. Examples include:
  • Sugar (dextrose or glucose)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma
  • Ozone

The agent is typically used with a local anesthetic (lidocaine or procaine). Prolotherapy involves a series of injections, reportedly ranging from 1 to 5, depending on the condition and the individual being treated. The injection series may cover 3 to 6 months with injections at 4 to 6 week intervals.

What is the cost?

The cost will vary on the number of joints treated. The cost will range from $100 to $150.

What are the possible side effects of prolotherapy?

Possible side effects may last a few days include:
  • Swelling
  • Soreness
  • Allergic Reaction

What is injected and how often are the treatments?

In a prolotherapy treatment, a substance is injected using a slender needle next to the site where soft tissue (ligament, tendon, muscle, fascia, joint capsule) is injured or has torn away from the bone. Dr. Santos will use ultrasound to guide the needle into the damaged area. The substance used in the injection is a natural irritant agent. Examples include:
  • Sugar (dextrose or glucose)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma
  • Ozone

The agent is typically used with a local anesthetic (lidocaine or procaine). Prolotherapy involves a series of injections, reportedly ranging from 1 to 5, depending on the condition and the individual being treated. The injection series may cover 3 to 6 months with injections at 4 to 6 week intervals.

What is the cost?

The cost will vary on the number of joints treated. The cost will range from $100 to $150.

What are the possibleside effects of prolotherapy?

Possible side effects may last a few days include:
  • Swelling
  • Soreness
  • Allergic Reaction

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About Us

Since 2003 we have been providing high quality naturopathic primary medical care. We provide modern Naturopathic Medical Care to treat a wide variety of conditions from the common cold to cancer.

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